updates are few and far between. i no longer get wifi in my office, and the ban on personal communication continues. i also have more friends, which means less time spent on the internet in my air-conditioned room. plenty to complain about, obviously.
this past weekend was a bit slower for me. it was flo's last night in delhi, so we spent friday night out on the town and saturday night eating dinner with the cook at the french guesthouse where she worked for 10 months. the cook was incredible but it was really sad to see flo go.
on sunday i had my wedding to go to, which turned out to be completely different from what i thought it was. it was not the wedding ceremony, but rather the pre-wedding music ceremony (these things used to last a week long, now they're a 'short' three days, as an older couple ruefully told me). it was a really rich set of families (senators were in attendance), so they had it in this massive resort which has been raised up like a phoenix out of ill-used farmland so that the rich people can have their weddings out of the city where there is more space, fewer loud eunuchs, standing facilities, and... more parking. the last one is apparently a serious concern. most of the guests from out of town just stay in the resort and get sloshed at the wedding. unfortunately it was bad form to take pictures so i just had to soak it in. they bring everything to you: whiskey and soda, myriad appetizers, and even a gorgeous college student sat down for me to talk to, which was good because my friend didn't know anybody either since he only knew the bride's family through his dad. we did talk to an interesting middle aged couple for a while.
gender roles are so funny here though (and by funny i mean rigid). i asked the wife a question about what she was wearing (it wasn't a sari and i was confused) and her husband answered. men talk to men. my kind of town (not really). anyway it's traditional for the bride's family to do all the music, but--this being the modern age--all we got was a really awesome old song by the bride's mother (who had the stereotypically high-pitched nasal tone of bollywood singers and everything; she was actually pretty good) about the different stages in a girl's life "from mother to mother". other than that, it was mostly a saxophonist who played solos to canned music in the background, including this song. no joke. i freaked out when he started but no one else was excited so i reeled it back in.this is getting long. in brief, my going out with french girls story is that we went to da club where i paid--get this--almost $20 for a double whiskey (my first and last drink of the night while we were out), danced to really awesome club music, and then proceeded to get absolutely harassed by this indonesian playboy douchebag and his indian friends, one of whom went after my friend so relentlessly that we finally fled at like 1am to go finish the party at their place. i saw the sunrise and a downpour and finally passed out at like 6:30. it was great and felt like europe. turns out you can go out like that here, you just have to be wealthy. and i mean wealthy. you know what's awesome though? seeing a skinny sikh dude totally rock out to electronica. that's something i will not soon forget.
i don't have many pictures but i did take some from my life and my rooftop. here they are.